Runner Spotlight: Kristi Martin

Kristi Martin

When did you begin running and why?

I started running in the spring of 2009 after completing graduate studies. I was looking to fill my extra free time and signed up for the Army 10-Miler with a friend.

How did you find out about DCRR and when did you join?

I joined shortly after signing up for the Army 10-Miler. Through the Army 10-Miler website, I learned about the DCRR training program and signed up. I didn’t know anymore in the program, but when I showed up on the first day of the “jump start” I met some many people. Many of them are still very close friends.

What are you training for right now?

July 13 I will be participating in my first half ironman distance triathlon, and immediately after heading to the West Coast to run the Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage with some fellow DCRR members. This fall I will be training for the NYC Marathon.

What is the toughest run or race you’ve ever participated in?

Physically the hardest race I have done would be the Baltimore 10-Miler June 2011. It was one of the hottest days of the summer, and the course is hill after hill. I love that race, but it was tough that year.

What’s your favorite part about being a DCRR member?

It is a great opportunity to meet other active people in DC and the training programs truly are the best. I didn’t imagine that when I signed up for the 10-Miler training program in 2009 that I would eventually be a board member, leading my own weekly run, coaching the programs, or meeting some of my best friends. Without DCRR, I would not have met most of my friends that I cherish so much now.

What’s the most important lesson running has taught you?

Be patient. I would love to be a fast runner, but I know that takes focus, drive, and time. Even when you are having a great run, you have to pace yourself.

What is your favorite route in the area?

For SMR, we do the route through the National Zoo and Rock Creek Park often. I love to run and see all the animals enjoying their morning and then heading into the park. I don’t feel like I live in an urban area on that run.

What race day traditions do you have?

I always pack my stuff and lay out what I need the night before.

What’s your proudest running moment?

This year I PR’ed in my 5K. It was the first time I broke 30 minutes. It seems like such a huge accomplishment because I am generally faster at longer distances.

What’s your life like outside of running?

It is busy. I have two adorable dogs, Derby and Booth, who keep me on a schedule. When I am not spending time with them, I am planning runcations with my friends or thinking about my work in health policy. .

What is one thing you wouldn’t run without?

Right now, it would be a bottle of water. I complain about running in the winter, but the summers in DC are brutal.